Being Sunday today, most probably had a bit of a sleep in, got up and then went down to the mess for the usual Sunday morning brunch.
It started out a little cloudy, but then turned into a great blue sky day, with very little wind, and the temperature was about +2c.
After brunch I went out for a couple of hours in the boats. We had to travel along the coast to Robbo's hut, and pick up a group that had been staying out there. The task of getting ready for the boat trip is worth it.....putting on the thermals, with a layer of fleece over the top, and then a mustang suit over that, thick socks and boots, balaclava, neck warmer, beanie and glasses, all to keep the wind chill out.
Once out on the water it was a constant change of direction to miss icebergs, and smaller pieces of ice in the water. Many of these icebergs would have penguins perched on top, and there was also many penguins jumping out of the water as they swam along.
In the picture above it shows a typical view around Casey station, with icebergs in the background, us in the IRB's in the middle and if you enlarge the picture, you will see penguins and a seal on the ice in the foreground.
Preparations for New Years Eve, saw the 'Wallow" in the red shed get made over with balloons and lighting.
Again food was laid on in mountains, with a spit roast, and more seafood.
Those who dressed for the occasion.

The photo above was taken from the front veranda of the 'Red Shed' at just after midnight on New Years Eve.
The Xue Long.

Picture from Wilkes with the Chinese ship the 'Xue Long' in the background.
Just over a week ago the Chinese ship the Xue Long arrived near Casey station. It would stay for the next few days, as they had some passengers arriving on the Airbus, and then transfer to the ship.
The ship would then depart Casey station, and make its way to the Chinese station (located near another Australian station, Davis).
While the ship was here, many of the passengers came over to the station for a look around, and many from Casey also took the opportunity to go out to the Xue Long for a meal and a tour of the ship.
Transport to and from the ship was by helicopter, which gave a great view of the station and surrounds.

Lunch on the Xue Long

Aerial view of Casey station

Friday night drinks.

Friday nights/afternoons, will often see drinks held in various areas of the station. Last Friday this event took place down at the workshop.
The weather was great, the sun was out, there was no wind, and the temperature somewhere around 0c, or above. You could comfortably stand around in a T-shirt.
The BBQ was set up, and the next few hours spent outside the workshop, eating and drinking.

The pictures below show how to keep your drinks cold, and what happens when you ask someone to go and fill the 'bucket' with ice.