25 October 2009

Time in TASSIE

Well I've been here in Tassie (Hobart) for the past two weeks. That time has been spent at the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD), located in Kingston.

In that two weeks, I've met plenty of other expeditioners who are travelling south this year. Including the other guys and girls who I will be working with in the Communications role. This year will see 3 Comms Operators go to Casey station, and 2 others go to Davis station.

There has also been plenty of other action over the previous 2 weeks, including kitting out of survival clothing, and what a huge amount of gear I've been given, it felt like christmas! We've also had to attend briefings, and workshops on how to use some of the field and survival equipment. I also had to sit an exam last week, and one of the highlights was definitely the quad bike training day....what a great piece of gear.

Tomorrow is my expected departure day from Hobart. Weather permitting those that are travelling to Casey for the season will be flying in, as opposed to travelling on the ship like in previous years.

Due to it being so early in the season, and the Wilkins ice runway not being prepared for the Airbus to land, we will depart Hobart and fly to McMurdo (US Antarctic station), and then fly in a Hercules on skis to Wilkins some time in the following week, and then onto Casey station, where I will work until mid/late February 2010. McMurdo should be a great experience as it is quite a large station (will accommodate 1200 people, Casey about 100 people).

1 comment:

  1. We are so Excited for you.
    All our love & best wishes,
    Steve, Mez & Cooper Bourne
